

Home >> About Us >> Objectives
  1. To provide services related to death: funerals, cremation, burial and memorials including funeral services, coffins and headstones etc., according to respective religious beliefs.
  2. To offer services that will provide required knowledge and skills essential in meeting the society’s needs for dignified funeral service.
  3. To foster and promote ideas, theories and practices with respect to funeral service and sensitize people to ecological and environmental concerns.
  4. To engender social consciousness and awareness within so that funeral service obligations and responsibilities are met effectively through ethical & professional practices.
  5. To foster the true image of the funeral services as a member of the care giving professions engaged in community and welfare service.
  6. To instil a desire for funeral education aiming at intellectual and spiritual growth.
  7. To encourage cooperation with all concerned individuals and groups to advance standards of education and research for funeral service.
  8. To seek, by mutual interchange of ideas, the study of burial, cremation, funeral practices and consumer trends to offer highest standards of service to families we serve.
  9. To promote professional operation of cemeteries, crematoria, funeral homes, and funeral transfer services for the purpose of ‘assuring the dignity of the individual’ and celebration of life.
  10. To foster and encourage any legislation as may be necessary for the betterment of the death care industry consistent with ethical standards, and to advise and co-operate with the government and the implementation of such legislation.
DR.K Raja Gopal Reddy
msme lastrites

Contact us

16th and 17th floor, Babu Khan Estate Fateh Maidan, Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad-500 001, Telangana, India

Call us: +91-8121270634